2014年3月30日 星期日

古芝地道 Cu Chi Tunnels


古芝市位於胡市西北方約40多公里,此地道系統全長二百多公里,由無數寛度不足80厘米,縱橫交錯而組成; 而且一共有三層結構,蔚為奇觀! 此地道原為越南抵抗法國統治時,由農民兵徒手挖掘了20多年的地下戰道,後來越戰時改為越共游擊隊所用的重要基地。地道內結構複雜,建有醫院,起居室,睡房,會議室,作戰房間等等等等出入口當然有偽裝掩飾,還設有各種捕獸器,敵人不知道便會中招。地道還有通風系通,游擊隊日間在地下生活,晚上的森林就是他們的世界。由於古芝就在西貢河旁邊,地道還有一逃生口通往西貢河。

地道當然只有一小部份開放給遊人,而且已擴闊以便身形比較大的西方遊客也可勉強進入。我們嘗試過地道的入口,真的很窄; 在地道入走(應該是爬才對)200,我們已筋疲力竭,呼吸困難真難想像越共游擊隊是生活在地道內。

1.      在胡志明市四周都有旅行社,參加古芝地道半日遊大約是VND100,000
2.      有一日團是會加上參觀西寧的高台廟的,我們非常想去,因為西寧是高台教的發源地,而且    這是這越南特有的宗教最大的廟,但因為安排上出了問題,結果無緣了,有機會的話一定要    去。一日團好像也只是約VND150,000.
3.      古芝地道另需付入場費每人VND90,000.

by: Jo

Around HCMC, I highly recommend you to visit the Cu Chi tunnels. 

Cu Chi is a town around 40km NW of HCMC. The Cu Chi tunnels is a tunnel system up to over 200km long, an immense network of tunnels less than 80cm wide and has three levels underground.  The tunnel system was originally used by Vietnamese peasant fighters to fight against the French.  Later on during the Vietnam war, the Viet Cong guerrillas used the tunnel system as their base. The structure inside the tunnel systems are amazing, it has hospitals, living room, sleeping quarters, meeting rooms, etc. etc… the tunnel system is entered thro camouflaged trap doors and there are booby traps all around the area.  The tunnel system also has ventilation systems.  The VC guerrillas live underground during the day and they control the forest at night.  Since Cu Chi is just next to Saigon river, there is also an escape path leading to Saigon river.

Of course, only a small portion of the tunnel system is now open for visit.  They have already been enlarged to fit Western tourists.  We tried the trap door, it is very narrow.  Walked (should say crawled) in the tunnel for 200m, and we are already exhausted and crying for air…. It is very hard to imagine the live of the VC guerrillas inside the tunnel.

1.      In HCMC, there are many tour agents.  A half day tour to Cu Chi tunnel costs around VND 100,000.
2.      There is also full day tour that also goes to the Cao Dai temple in Tay Ninh.  I will highly recommend that as this is origin of Cao Dai and has the biggest Cao Dai temple of this unique religion in Vietnam.  We missed it due to some problem with the tour arrangement.  One day tour is VND 150,000.

3.      The entrance fee to Cu Chi tunnel is VND 90,000 per pax.

by: Jo

越南第二話 Vietnam





<<胡志明市 Ho Chi Minh city>>

一到胡市,最大的喜悅是可以穿背心短褲,但馬上就想把沉重的牛仔褲丟掉然後就是很想享受越南的美食!! 在胡市每天我們都找幾個景點閒逛,能走路的都走路,沒有坐過一次的士,中午吃過飯就回酒店午睡(實在太熱),到下午3,4點再出動。終於可以天天吃牛肉粉,春巻,法包,和喝越南咖啡,我們還買了咖啡,可以自己動手沖咖啡。

<<美奈 Mui Ne>>


<<大叻 Da Lat>>


大叻有一個全國最古老的火車站,我們不止參觀了火車站,還坐了一趟火車到Trai Mat,這個火車現時只剩這一段了,我想只有遊客會坐。火車到了 Trai Mat 逗留40分鐘就回程,在這時間,我們到訪靈褔寺,這寺廟絶對是出奇的漂亮,全寺是用玻璃和缸瓦片砌成的,艷麗非常。

<<芽莊 Nha Trang>>

我們的行程有點繞,我想其他計劃到芽莊的旅客會把美奈放棄掉,因為(也是到了才知道)芽莊的沙灘實在是太漂亮了!! 而且,長長的沙灘全是公眾的,酒店都建在大馬路的另一邊,旅客可以在沙灘上隨意走,如果想在太陽傘下躺一下,就光顧任何一家,每張沙灘椅收費HKD15,任坐,也可以帶食物飲品,沙灘上還有各式小販,想吃龍蝦也可以! 這讓享受一個下午,也很愉快,不過,亮說:只有我們沒有去過這種陽光海灘的旅遊點,其他香港人大概覺得這些很普通。

芽莊另一主要活動是所有人都會參加的四島遊一天團,本來我們不打算去,但在大叻遇到有人說這個活動還算很划算,只要USD10,我們因為坐夜車,所以倒也不妨安排一天團在白天,不用担心check out後如何打發時間。

行程中我們會在一個點浮潛,當然不能跟大堡礁比較,但也算是有些珊瑚礁和魚可看看,也看到長得像水蛇般的海參和超級海星。午飯在船上安排好,船泊在漁排,如果想食海鮮,可自費,但價錢就有點坑遊客感覺了,我們這些港人食慣海鮮當然不上當。午飯過後船上的水手搖身一變成為boy band,最正斗的是用寫著 ”YAMAHA” 的兩個煲做的鼓!! 樂隊邀請各國旅客上台合唱,他們當然是準備了各國語言的一首名曲,和大家一起歡樂一番!!

讓大家的胃都休息了一下,船已開到沙灘邊,這時,水手帶頭,從船頂一躍下水,把大家都淋濕如落水雞….既然如此,大家也一湧以上,跳到水裡,水手會拋一個大水泡給你,躺在水泡上,享受floating bar!! 這可是我的第一次跳水啊!!! 感覺好爽!!

<<會安 Hoi An>>



第二天,我只有一個目的,就是要到Thanh Ha 陶藝村,這個村是某些到美山的團會途經之地,但絶對不是主要景點,但我又豈能放過(因為資料上說是可以試玩…),所有書都是互相抄襲的,但這一次估不到連google map的地點都點不對,幸好我們錯有錯着,誤打誤撞,再問一下路才找到村落。

Thanh Ha pottery village 的確是比較純樸,村內有約廿多戶,每戶都是一個家庭式陶藝工作坊,很多都歡迎旅客進內參觀。用的轉盤都是人手操作的,安裝在地上,由另一個人用腳轉動。在第一個工作坊,老太太熱情招待我,强迫我完成一件東東,弄得我哭笑不得。到了另一家,因為大家正在午飯,我自由地玩,自得其樂,爽得很。當然要多謝幫我踩轉盤的助手,才能讓我順利完成一件作品,過一過癮….不枉此行。

by: Jo

P.S. 相片分享見前文。

It’s been two weeks into the journey and I have not written any proper travel blog. These days, it feels like photos tell more and you simply lack the motivation to write.  It’s a shame, I wish I can continue writing.

When I was travelling in SA for 11 weeks, I did not bring a laptop and wifi was not everywhere back then.  I had to go to internet cafes every few days to update my blog.  Nowadays, everyone has a smartphone and you have the whole world in your palm.

OK, let’s get back on track…

We started our trip from the South, from Ho Chi Minh city, travelled up North to Hoi An.  Although we have no time limit, the visa only allows us to stay for 30 days.  Spending 2 weeks up to Hoi An sounds about right.  We will continue to head North and hope to finish up to Sapa in a total of 30 days.  What’s next? not sure yet.

<<Ho Chi Minh city>>

The first burst of happiness when we arrived in HCMC is that we can now wear our summer clothes, I wanted to throw my jeans away immediately.  Next, it is the Vietnamese cuisine that I have longed for!  Every day, we picked a few places of interests to visit, we walk as much as we can and have never been on a taxi.  After lunch, we went back for a nap as it was really too hot.  We wondered out again around 3, 4 pm.  We eat pho, spring roll, baguette and Vietnamese ca phe everyday.  We even bought ca phe so we can make it whenever we like.

<<Mui Ne>>

After HCMC, we went to a small beach town Mui Ne.  Unless you go to the seafood places at night, Mui Ne is not touristic at all and everything is so cheap.  The only downside is that the road to the beach are pretty much blocked by private resorts.  But if you manage to find the alleys, you can still walk down to the beach which is open for public.  Apart from beach, the red sand dunes and white sand dunes are special places in Mui Ne worth a visit.  The white sand dunes are a long way so you will have to join a tour to go there.  Although the sand dunes are pretty small, I am very attracted by the scenery esp. when wind blows.

<<Da Lat>>

All of a sudden, we went from a hot desert to the cool highland of Da Lat, a complete change of scenery – lakes and waterfalls. One thing about our trip is that we have not done much homework ahead.  It came to our surprise that Da Lat is such a big town and full of people.  Da Lat is in the high land, so, the weather is much cooler and spring like all year round.  As such, it is a very popular destination for Vietnamese people. We arrived on a Saturday and the Da Lat market was so heat up with hawkers and food stalls. With the change of weather, we very much enjoyed the hot food and drinks!

The Da Lat train station is the oldest in Vietnam.  We didn’t only visit the train station, we also took a ride to Trai Mat, which is the only section left in operation, only for tourists.  The train stops for 40 min at Trai Mat and returns.  We spent the 40 min seeing a very splendid temple, all the decorations in the temple are made out
of broken glasses and ceramics.

<<Nha Trang>>

Our route is a bit unusual as most people who plan to be at Nha Trang would skip Mui Ne.  We came to find out (when we arrived) that the beach at Nha Trang is so pretty!! The best thing is this long beach is all public, hotels are on the other side of the main road, and you can freely wonder along the beach.  If you feel like having a seat on the beach under the shade, you can pay HKD15 and get a beach chair.  You can bring your own food and drinks, and maybe choose to buy from hawkers on the beach.  Well, if you want a lobster, you can!  Spending an afternoon on the Nha Trang beach is so relaxing.  But, Mat said this is so common for HK people to have beach vacation, it is only the two of us who will find this special….

The next day, we spent a day on a popular 4-island boat trip.  It costs only USD 10 for a full day boat trip.  Since we had to take a night bus, might as well spend the day on a boat trip.

During the trip, we have one snorkeling spot.  You cannot compare this to the GBR, but it still have some nice coral reef and some fishes.  We got to see some snake-long sea cucumbers and some huge star fishes.  Lunch was included, but you can also order sea food from the floating seafood market.  The prices are a rip off though.  After lunch, the sailors turned themselves into a boy band.  Haha, they used two cooking pans labelled “YAMAHA” as drums, it was so funny.  They invited visitors from every country onto the stage to sing and dance with them.  I am sure they have one song for each country which they can perform!

After your stomachs are settled, the boat already arrived at a beach.  The sailors led by jumping from the boat deck into water, splashing everyone wet.  The tourists followed and everyone jumped.  You got a life buoy and enjoyed the floating bar!  This was actually the first time I jump from this height into water, felt good!

<<Hoi An>>

At night, we took a night bus to Hoi An.
Hoi An is an ancient town, one of the oldest town with settlement in Vietnam.  It was the biggest port of Vietnam until late 19s, when it was replaced by Da Nang.  The town is truly old, buildings and hotels are the same.  The weather here is hot and humid, we went to a few hotels and they all had this moldy smell.  You need a room with good ventilation to get away with the smell but the moldy walls are everywhere, cannot hide.

The old town is too commercialized, and I do not find the houses very attractive neither, a bit disappointed to be honest. Without any kind of shopping in mind, we finished walking the old town in half a day.  We arrived from a night bus, still pretty tired, and chose to take a nap to recover.  At the evening, we wondered out again, the night in the old town actually feels better.  The scene after lighting up is quite pretty, less heat and humidity, replaced by a bit of a breeze.

On the second day, I only have one mission to accomplish – to visit the Thanh Ha pottery village. Some tours to My Son will stop by the village but it is certainly not a popular spot for tourists.  But I cannot have missed it because info indicated that tourists can try on the wheels.  Google map got this place mapped wrongly, we only found it because of some luck and we have to ask around.

The Thanh Ha pottery village is indeed less touristic.  There are about twenty family run pottery workshops in the village, they all welcome tourists to go in and look.  They are all using manual throwing wheels mounted on the floor, have to be pushed by foot by another person.  At the first workshop that I sit at the wheel, the old lady was being too helpful and forced me to get something done.  At the next one, since everyone were at lunch, I got the wheel to myself and took my own time.  I had the time to finish one pot on the manual wheel!! Thanks to my wheel boy, job very well done.  This has made my day!

by: Jo

P.S. see the earlier blog entry for photo album sharing.

2014年3月25日 星期二

自由行的樂趣 Travel Fun














By: Jo

A key part of travelling on your own involves arranging a lot of local tours and ground transportation. We have accumulated a fair amount of experience in this regard, and there are plenty of funny stories.

When you arrive at a town, you will generally find that all tour agents offer pretty much the same packages.  I guess that’s because all tourists go to those places of interests.  You will end up noticing that, wherever you book your tour, they are all just agents of a few bigger companies, that take on all customers.  When the bus comes and picks you up, everyone on the bus book their tours from different agents and pay different prices.  Whatever the mechanism is, it works with no transparency but always seamless.

I have tried to book tours to roads less travelled, and it is not very wise neither.  Tours that has too few customers, may end up being cancelled if the company is a responsible one.  For less responsible companies, like the one I experienced in Brazil, I ended up being passed along from one group to another and still ended up with a different tour.  I don’t have a choice unless I wanted to be left alone in the Amazons.

Especially in developing countries where driving is not an option, you will have to just follow the trend.  Having said all these, travelling on local tours aren’t all bad.  Roads have been well pathed for you, and they have all been designed for your best benefits. 

Joining local tours in Vietnam is so affordable:

A Half day tour to Cu Chi tunnel costs us HKD33 per person.  This is a five hours trip, including tour guide (no tickets), we cannot even make it happen on our own with this amount of money.

We wanted to visit a waterfall in the country side of Da Lat. We chose to go with a tour, and the tour included tons of other activities which are really crappy, not even qualify as an act to rip off tourists…. But we get what we want for HKD 100 per person, that is good value for money.

For today, we have booked bus tickets to go to Nha Trang.  Last night, while we were web surfing in our hotel, the guys from the tour agent turned up.  The more senior guy brought along the young guy who booked our tickets.  They said due to some accident with the bus that came yesterday, they need to cancel the morning bus and offer to change our tickets to the afternoon.  Although a bit disappointed, we were truly thankful for what they did.  They could totally choose to let us know this morning that the bus was cancelled but they came all the way.  We found out that they actually called the hotel but the hotel said we did not answer the phone (while there is no phone in our room).  We really appreciated that they come all the way to fix the arrangements for us.

When the bus comes, it is a 29 seater.  All of the double seats except the last row were being occupied, many of them by one person.  Some obviously are trying to prevent the other seat being taken by putting their feet up on the seat, laying down, etc.  We took two seats on the last row and the bus continue to pick up other customers.  Well, the bus ends up being full, those who thought they have taken the best advantage now has to sit with others and ends up with the worst seats.

I think unhelpful people exist in all nationalities.

Well, that is the fun bit about travelling –a lot of things are unexpected and you see all kinds of people!  With a trip that does not have a time limit, that is even better!

By: Jo

2014年3月23日 星期日


我們這個旅程沒有太在意時間或站點的問題,出發前只大概預算從越南南走到北,Jo 原意從胡志明市靠西經大叻北上芽莊,我在胡志明頭兩天才開始看旅遊資料(我之前說過我上機前一刻都還沒進入旅遊狀態嘛),覺得美奈的小沙漠區環境很特別,河、湖、甚至海旁邊都有大小不同的沙丘,應該很有趣的,那我們就決定靠東北上往美奈走。

幾日美奈之旅,風沙美景果真值得一到,問題是下一站是如大部份的旅遊路線,繼續北上到芽莊?還是往中間岔進去大叻?那是Jo原意經的地方,我們有的是時間,又看到住宿處和旅遊小店都說有車去,心想路線特別一點又有何不可呢?!我們就方便的跟住的地方訂車票了,價錢也只是每人us7, 預計坐四小時,和我們從胡志明到美奈的價錢和時間差不多,那我們下意識就很自然會認為是坐同一類坐臥式大巴… 


我和Jo除了“隨遇而安”的看著這拆卸工程之外,也沒其他辦法,因為經驗告訴我們,在這種言語不通的發展中國家,無論是坐車或local tour, 你只能順著他們的“變通”而行,路線、車款、設施、甚至時間、景點都可以隨時更改不作另行通知!而有趣的是,他們是真心覺得是理所當然的,“全個美奈就只有你兩個遊客到大叻,不是要開一輛四十人大巴給你倆吧?!電單車要上車當然是要拆坐位呢!拆坐位當然要花點時間嘛!等一個小時也阻不了你多久,能到就是了…”  如果你覺得委屈或受騙是你太過吹毛求疵 !


結果,我們還是入黑前能到達大叻,只是到達時,我滿臉灰塵,Jo的計步器因車的顛簸而誤算了兩萬多步而已,算是萬幸吧 !!

By Mat

2014年3月17日 星期一

戰爭遺跡博物館 War Remnants Museum




這一次,看到的主要是一些照片紀錄,但有一半的照片我是怱怱一眼,就快步走過,不想看下去。這些不是戰爭中的死傷者,也不是被地雷炸掉肢體的人…. 他們是由於美軍在戰爭期間大量投擲Agent Orange, 一種到目前為止最毒的化學毒藥,而禍延下一代的紀錄….大量的畸形兒童出生,真教人慘不忍睹。



By Jo

The War Remnants Museum is probably the one place that attracts the most tourists in Ho Chi Minh city.

We are not really very fond of museums and know almost nothing about history (every time like this, I hope Ivan is around), but it will be a shame if we do get to know a bit more about the Vietnam war when we are in HCMC.

A year ago, we were at Phnom Penh and went to the killing field and the prison, I will still feel the coldness when I think about the visit.

This time, most of what we get to see are photos, and about half of them, I can only barely walk by and won’t even look.  They are not war casualties or people injured by land mines.  They are babies and kids born with all kinds of abnormalities as a result of the US army spraying “agent orange” in many parts of Vietnam.  The agent orange is thought to be the most toxic chemical invented by human until today.

Vietnam is also a communist country, and the star on the flag feels very “Communist”.  When I realized that I cannot connect to facebook in the hotel in HCMC, I can only say “oh yes, it is definitely communist”.

After visiting the museum, at this kind of moments, I would reflect on myself as a very politically insensitive person and do not care about these things.  Time passes, some of the emotions will last inside my heart, but I am still the same person, who prefer to live in the present and seize my own moments!!

by Jo

2014年3月15日 星期六


大旅行這事計劃了很多很多年,由 遙不可及 到 付諸行動,朋友也一一由 驚訝不已 到 習以為常… 因為太有計劃,有些朋友從兩三年前已聽到我有這打算,有些更甚以為我已去了回來,連我自己也覺說得膩了…今天,終於起程了!





By Mat