2013年10月30日 星期三

背包 Backpacks


首先,要理清思想 ------ 去一個兩個星期的旅行和一個一年或以上的旅行,要打包的東西大有不同。

總不能什麼都買吧?   只要想一想你日常在家中生活買多少雜物衣服,我們又為什麼不能有需要時買呢? 在當地買的衣服用品,往往更適合在當地使用吧。




有人提出說環遊世界到底應該用背包,還是拉個箱子,他覺得最好還是用一個帶輪子的背包,他大部份時間是可以用拉的,必要時才背,根本不用把自己累壞。這還是有點啟發的,我也在想,是否真的應該帶個輪子。後來,我們的結論是,帶輪子的背包真有點累贅,也不好看,加上很重; 於是我們想改為外加一部手拉車,這一來背包還是背包,如果走下來覺得輪子還是太大負担,大可把手拉車送人,不用苦惱要換背包。



by: Jo

Packing for a round the world trip is something to consider, but the most important decision is probably getting the right backpack.

First of all, you need to clear --- packing for a 2 weeks’ vacation is different from packing for a year long trip.

You should pack much less for a year long trip.  Yes, it is less … because you are essentially living, not travelling.  When you are living in a place, do you think you will be short of daily necessities?  How can people there not wear cloths, not brush their teeth and not get sick?

“well, you cannot possibly buy everything?”  Think about that, when you are home, you buy lots of stuff, cloths, groceries, why can’t we buy them when we live on a year long trip?  I bet things that you buy locally will be suit local lives the best.

As such, this is the second level of “letting go”.

Also, things that you will not use at home, you probably will also not use them when you are travelling.  I never wear hats, I have bought hats when I am on vacation, I end up not using them at all after the first time.  

I read a lot of articles online on how to pack for a RTW trip.  Some of them are like what you would have expected, but some are quite inspiring too. E.g. someone listed the top things that you should not bring.  One of them is water bottle, you can just reuse any bottle from a bottled water.

One article discussed whether you should bring a suitcase (with wheels) or a backpack.  It kind of concludes that you should really get a backpack with wheels because you end up don’t have to carry it and can use the wheels most of the times.   We had some thoughts and decided that what should do is to buy a light handcart where we can put the backpack on.  Backpacks with wheels are heavy and not flexible.  If we find out later on that the wheels are not worth their weight, I can just give away the handcart without having to worry about the backpack.

So, we purchased the lightest version of handcart from Taobao and do a trial in our Yang Shuo trip.  It turned out really well and this is how we are equipped for the trip now!

By: Jo

2013年10月16日 星期三

捨得 Let go







如果香港也有garage sales,我想我可以舉行一個為期至少兩週的 garage sales…



by: Jo

I am a bit of a “collectolic “ and like to collect things.

Since I decided to take off, one of the main adjustment is to learn to let go.

Yes, I am ready to let go of the ……. Material items.

Except for some specific collectibles, and things that store memories, I am planning to let go of all my belongings.

As you can imagine, I find it very hard to start.  I have already made up my mind, it is really my friends, who feel that it is kind of sad to have to give up stuff.  So, if you are interested to adopt any of my belongings, please feel free to let me know.

I have gotten rid of half of my books, but there are still …. Potteries from 10 years’ hard work, all kinds of crafting stuff, bakery tools, as well as furniture and appliances.

If we can have garage sales in Hong Kong, I am sure I can hold a two weeks long garage sales.

Posting items in the “Freebie” groups on FB is an option, but it is very time consuming.  Does anyone has suggestions for me?

By: Jo

2013年10月15日 星期二

石頭落地 Breaking the news




by: Jo

Somehow, someone leaving a company is always a big secret and cannot be disclosed until the last minute.

I tendered my resignation in mid July, the news is finally told to my whole team today.  This, to me, is a big deal because I don’t have to keep a secret any longer…. Although I have been keeping this to myself for quite some time. 

In the next few months, my goal is to pass on all my knowledge.  I am going to make this a project and one that will be completed by the end of this year!!

By: Jo